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Stop the Spread of Germs: How to Properly Clean Your ATMs

Written by Melissa Carroll | 8:27 PM on March 11, 2020

Cleanliness is next to godliness, so they say. Well maybe not, but cleanliness will at least protect yourself and others from spreading and catching harmful diseases. During this current time of growing concern over the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), proper cleanliness and disinfecting surfaces that can play host to COVID-19 germs has become even more important to potentially help stop the spread of these germs from person to person.

Stop the Spread of Germs

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, germs from the flu virus can survive on hands after contact for only three to five minutes. However, germs can remain viable for up to three days on surfaces that are made with a variety of materials, such as ATM screens and keypads.

Experts have been continuously stressing the importance of washing your hands for at least twenty seconds many times a day, especially after touching community surfaces, like ATMs, that can host these germs. While everyone is currently focused on effectively washing their hands as recommended, it is also important to not overlook sanitizing commonly touched surfaces that can host and spread germs. 

Cleaning Best Practices

The recommended best practice to prevent COVID-19 and other viral illnesses in public areas and commonly used surfaces include cleaning the area of any visible dirt followed by a thorough wipe down with a disinfectant.

Now is an important time to review your cleaning processes for your ATMs and educate branch employees on proper procedures to protect your consumers from the threat of contagious viruses, while also protecting your ATMs from potential damage caused by harmful cleaning supplies.

Recommended Cleaning Procedures

ATM Cleaning DO's:

DO: wear protective gloves when cleaning ATMs.

DO: apply 70% isopropyl alcohol to a cotton or non-abrasive microfiber towel then wipe ATM screens. Follow up with a dry towel to remove streaks.

DO: clean the ATM fascia and keypad with disinfectant wipes or spray, or 70% isopropyl alcohol.

DO: apply disinfectant spray or 70% isopropyl alcohol on a microfiber towel or non-abrasive pad first, when using in place of disinfectant wipes, then wipe down the keypad and fascia.

DO: make sure cloth is damp with cleanser before cleaning. 

ATM Cleaning DONT'S:

DON'T: apply 70% isopropyl alcohol directly onto the ATM screen - always apply to non-abrasive cloth or pad first.

DON'T: spray cleaners or 70% isopropyl alcohol directly onto any part of the ATM.

DON'T: power down ATMs first before cleaning, it is safe to leave them powered on during cleaning process.

DON'T: spray or apply 70% isopropyl alcohol directly on keypad - it will gradually weaken the plastic.

DON'T: soak cleaning cloths with cleanser before wiping down ATM.


FTSI offers deep cleaning and full sanitation services for your ATM machines as often as needed. Daily and weekly cleanings are available.

Please contact our team for further information on the maintenance and care of your ATMs.