In the News

Thanks to You ExCITE 2015 was a Smashing Success!

Written by Admin | 11:00 AM on December 11, 2015

FTSI would like to thank everyone who was a part of making this year’s ExCITE event an incredible success. From our customer participation to our partner speaking sessions, everyone’s efforts helped make this the best FTSI customer appreciation day yet.

This Year’s Executive Experience Center Info & Tech Expo (ExCITE) Let Customers Balance Work and Play Like Never Before

ExCITE featured an engaging range of interactive informational sessions by Guardian Analytics, WeTap, CCUL, Digital Insight, NCR and FTSI’s own experts along with fun raffles, great food and prizes, and even a comedy magic show. Plus we were especially honored to have NCR Senior VP, Joao Perez deliver his inspiring keynote on the future of consumer experience (and have some fun joking with the magician while he was at it).

“I was delighted to participate in this year’s event with our partner FTSI. The ExCITE event was personal and inviting, informative and productive with great content and energy. We’re excited for 2016.”

- Joao Perez, NCR SVP Sales and Marketing

The event also marked the anniversary of the opening of FTSI’s Executive Experience Center (ExC) which has already hosted weekly webinars and Lunch & Learns (like the FBI’s presentation on Identity Theft), NCR roundtables, and numerous Western Region community bank and credit union strategy sessions. FTSI’s has a preeminent executive briefing center and is the perfect resource for banking professionals seeking to merge their digital and physical messaging into an Omni-channel experience.

We’re already looking forward to 2016’s ExCITE event and can’t wait to bring you a whole new round of cutting edge panels and demos. Be sure to keep an eye out next fall for invites because you’re going to want to see how we top 2015.

If you missed out on ExCITE this year, don’t worry. You can still schedule a time to visit the Executive Experience Center and see the Branch of Tomorrow, today. FTSI offers customers three different levels of experience at the ExC:

  • Custom Experience – A half-day event customized to your branch’s needs and focused on finding solutions that allow you to maximize teller efficiency while expanding your footprint.
  • VIP Experience – A full day’s presentation for you and your staff by FTSI experts who will demonstrate how you can transform tellers into sales experts while still creating exciting individual customer experiences.
  • Anytime Experience – Drop by the ExC and FTSI personnel will give you a brief tour and explanation of our service and product offerings.